Born: 1942
Diagnosis: Breast cancer
„I’ve been drinking tea CoD according to your instructions for three months. My health condition has significantly improved. I do not get tired so quickIy and I contributeit...
Born: 1941
Diagnosis: breast cancer
„.... Since November, according to my opinion I’ve been drinking fantastic herb tea CoD. Since than my health condition has significantly improved. .. I’ve got greater...
Born: 1967
Diagnosis: brain tumor
„...thank you for all what you’ve done for me so far. Tea CoD significantly improved my health condition.“
Born: 1958
Diagnosis: testicular cancer
„I feel my organism is better after a month of tea use than it was for the same period of time in the past, when I still wasn’t drinking tea... I have better mood and feel...
Born: 1947
Diagnosis: cancer of lungs
„ I’ve been drinking tea already for two months. Since I started to drink it, my physical coondition has significantly improved. I’m not tired, I don’t have to...
Born: 1958
Diagnosis: encephalitis
“... since I’ve been drinking tea, my health is much better. Thanks to your diet and excellent tea I feel a thousand times better. It is clear that the healing process has...
Born: 1942
Diagnosis: breast and lung cancer
„Tea has changed my life completely. Until I haven’t started drinking it, my health condition was so bad, that I didn’t believe to anything. My overall...
Born: 1928
Diagnosis: cancer of the lymph nodes
„I am happy to tell you that my health has significantly improved since the beginning of the tea cure. My pain is at the minimum, my appetite is back. I gained 5...
Born: 1949
Diagnosis: liver metastases
I would like to inform you that I feel good and there‘s nothing to complain about. Many thanks for your tea without it, I would be only a reminiscence by now...“
Born: 1948
Diagnosis: breast cancer
„....Since I’ve been drinking tea,my overall state has improved and the pain eased a bit. I believe in positive effects of tea, I have been using it for two months and my...
Born: 1946
Diagnosis: breast cancer
„Thank you very much for your help.... Since January 31st, I’ve been drinking tea. Since than my health condition and mood improved, I have my strength to work back, I am able...
Born: 1942
Diagnosis: leukemia
„...I’ve been drinking tea since autumn. Since my last chemotherapy, my health condition has significantly improved. I reached again my original weight and I feel good. Dietary...